Department of Chemistry UET Fsd Campus
The chemistry is the core of all sciences. At FSD Campus, initially department faculty was teaching chemistry in engineering departments. Gradually it grows and now department are offering BS Chemistry (Four years programme), M.Phil. Applied Chemistry (Two years Programme) and Ph.D. Degree (will be started soon after due approvals). The department focus on teaching the modern and practical knowledge of the field. Our BS Program is designed to prepare the students with concept, knowledge, skills and with field experiences in subjects including Analytical Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental, Fuel, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Nuclear & Radio Chemistry. The main objective of the department of chemistry is to produce graduates of international standard in the established as well as emerging areas of chemical sciences. We owe highly qualified faculty members having training in diverse areas of specialization and publication in international recognized journals. We have well equipped labs having advance instruments and research facilities. Our goal is to prepare and equip our students with the creative potential so that they can make significant contributions towards society at local and global industries.
To create a transformative educational and innovative research experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge, problem solving, leadership, communication and interpersonal skill and well-being.
Students will able to
- Possess a strong knowledge of inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, and biological chemistry.
- Apply appropriate theories to predict chemical structure, reactivity, and physical properties.
- Apply modern laboratory methods and technological tools to the studies of chemical reactions
- Apply standard laboratory techniques to carry out quantitative analysis, chemical synthesis, characterization of compounds, and measurement of chemical reactivity.
- Learn the theoretical bases, operating principles, as well as computer software’s to work with.
- Have skills in the methods of scientific investigation.
- Collect, analyze, and evaluate experimental data.
- Think as chemists, critically evaluating scientific information and solving scientific problems.
- Have command to access, search, evaluate, and critique the primary scientific literature.
- Effectively communicate scientific information.
HEC NRPU Projects
1. Carbon Nanostructures based photocatalytic evice for smog reduction. Funding: 8 Milion
2. Design and development of convenient approach for the synthesis of bronopol based biocides for paints, adhesives and leather industries t industrial scales. Funding: 3.5 Million
PHE Project under PIRCA
3. Design and development of Balanol based new anti cancer drugs using pot tandem process Funding: 4.0 Million
- Analytic testing lab
- Organic Lab
- Inorganic lab
- Physical lab
- Microbiology lab

Applicant should have earned at least 60% marks in Intermediate orequivalent local/foreign qualification examination excluding sports and Hafiz- e-Quran marks.
The job opportunities available to graduates and post graduates in chemistry are In academia and industries involving chemicals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, food, textiles and timber, there are many opportunities for employment, working in areas such as research and development, quality control, marketing and management.